Buyers Complaining and Want Money After Closing

Our buyers closed two weeks ago. They had only been complaining about a smell on the basement stairs, even though the contract post-inspection only required us to clean the brand-new carpet and fix some electrical issues. Nothing about remedying a smell. The carpet cleaner they chose even said it just smelled like a typical concrete…

5 days before closing, seller backs out. WWYD?

Set to close in 5 days in NJ. Today our real estate attorney said the seller is backing out. Apparently they didn’t like something they saw in their new-build home (cracked foundation) so they cancelled their purchase and decided not to sell their current house. 100% of our escrow will be returned, sellers verbally offered…

Seller removed extra light fixtures

We are closing this Friday, and we just went over to the house for a walkthrough, to find that the seller removed the main chandeleur in both the entrance and great room. It looks like electricians are charging almost 1000 for high ceiling installations. Originally, and this isn’t anywhere on our purchase and sales agreement,…